The easiest way to make Maven find one of our own projects in dependency resolution is to install that project’s artifact to the Local Repository. ► All Maven Episodes: ► Don’t Miss an Episode: Share this:
Every wondered where Maven gets dependencies from? Do you know where Maven caches resolved dependencies locally? Let me explain what the Local Repository and Maven Central are and how they play together. This helps you understand what’s going on and to debug when Maven fails to resolve a dependency for […]
To get around in the Maven world, you should know some basic terminology. Let me introduce you to the most important things: Projects, Aggregators, Modules, Artifacts, and Dependencies. ► All Maven Episodes: Share this:
The WatchDog eclipse plugin gives us statistics about our testing behaviour. The plugin is part of the TestRoots project that aim’s at analysing testing behaviour and improving testing support in IDEs. ► The TestRoots Project: ► An Interview about TestRoots and WatchDog: ► Let’s Develop! ► Don’t […]
Let’s face it: Eclipse’s shortcuts for test execution are a nightmare. There’s no way to run a test that hasn’t been previously executed and who want’s to press Cmd+Alt+X+T to rerun the last execution? Luckily there’s help.The MoreUnit plugin comes with some handy shortcuts and other nice features. ► MoreUnit […]
The TestRoots projects analyses and improves software testing. The WatchDog Eclipse plugin is the first step in that direction: It observes your coding and testing behaviour, and gives you detailed reports! How much time do you spend on testing? Find out! And win awesome prices on the go. ► Let’s […]
In this episode, I investigate on the statement and simple condition coverage of my tests suite for the game logic. I explain the different features of the EclEmma plugin for Eclipse and show you how they work. Join me! ► All Game of Life Episodes: ► Let’s Develop! […]