A hands-on introduction on how to use Git from within Eclipse, using the EGit Plugin. I discuss saving versions of your project files and how to access them later on. This is targeted at novice developers that use version control for the first time. Share this:
Yearly Archives: 2014

The last part about nested loops. The hunt continues on the same wave, with much the same pattern solving every task. And the skill rating remains benevolent! Such happy days, when things go as you want them to… 😉 * CodeHunt Playlist: http://goo.gl/WtTJ3L * Play CodeHunt: https://codehunt.com —————————————— * Let’s […]
[LD] Code Hunt #22 – Nested Loops – 08.07 to ...

A little careful at first, but with increasing vigor, I hunt my way through sector 8. Constructing cryptic strings in nested loops is easy, once you got the pattern and the style rating is gentle-hearted today! * CodeHunt Playlist: http://goo.gl/WtTJ3L * Play CodeHunt: https://codehunt.com —————————————— * Let’s Develop Conway’s Game […]
[LD] Code Hunt #21 – Nested Loops – 08.03 to ...

Enthusiastic, I start the hunt for nested loops. The first task confuses me at first, but after a deep breath I get it right. On the way I find out that we are allowed to define helper functions! The second task beats me… at least with respect to the skill […]
[LD] Code Hunt #20 – Nested Loops – 08.01 to ...

From were I left of the the previous episode, I complete the configuration dialog of my simple Eclipse Plugin. With nothing more than the first 5 proposals from Eclipse Code Recommenders I get along well. Mission accomplished! * Previous Episode: http://youtu.be/T716BCrlMRQ * http://www.eclipse.org/recommenders/ * Let’s Develop With: http://goo.gl/Vx3lQJ —————————————— * […]
[LD] Eclipse Code Recommenders #3 – Real Development | Let’s ...

In this episode, I rely on Eclipse Code Recommenders to develop a simple Eclipse Plugin. My plugin provides a simple dialog implemented with SWT and JFace. I don’t know much about SWT and had no experience with JFace, but thanks to the recommendations I find my way fast. After only […]
[LD] Eclipse Code Recommenders #2 – Real Development | Let’s ...

Task 7 is tricky. I didn’t get the full skill points… help me out here! The remaining tasks appear easier, which helped me to finish sector 7 in this episode. * CodeHunt Playlist: http://goo.gl/WtTJ3L * Play CodeHunt: https://codehunt.com —————————————— * Let’s Develop Conway’s Game of Life: http://goo.gl/xc59GX * Let’s Develop […]
[LD] Code Hunt #19 – Strings – 07.07 to 07.10 ...

Concatenation, replacing characters, and reversing strings is key to the tasks in sector 7. For tasks 4 and 5 I resort to C# for maximum skill points, because Java is lacking the necessary utility methods… * CodeHunt Playlist: http://goo.gl/WtTJ3L * Play CodeHunt: https://codehunt.com —————————————— * Let’s Develop Conway’s Game of […]
[LD] Code Hunt #18 – Strings – 07.01 to 07.06 ...

The task is easy, but getting full skill points is hard. I struggle with Java and finally switch to C# to do it. Switching, the reason for my struggle becomes apparent… * CodeHunt Playlist: http://goo.gl/WtTJ3L * Play CodeHunt: https://codehunt.com —————————————— * Let’s Develop Conway’s Game of Life: http://goo.gl/xc59GX * Let’s […]