Do you know these moments, when the world opens up to you and you get a glimpse at a greater truth? It’s really those moments that make learning worthwhile for me. And every so often I think: “Why didn’t anyone tell me?!?” And here it is. I jump the breach. […]

An Idea Idea

Exactly 1 year ago I created It’s been a year full of learning, screencasting, and coding. I’ve probably learned more than all of you together, which proves what I’m doing worthwhile 😉 I hope I could provide you with the one or the other useful idea, too! My Channel […]

Today’s My Birthday

Did you ever try to sing and clap the beat at the same time? For many people this is quite challenging, because when they concentrate on the lyrics they loose the beat and when they concentrate on the beat they stumble across the lyrics. This gets worse when they replace […]

4 Things Is 3 Too Many

Static imports are very nice, especially in tests, when working with JUnit, Hamcrest, Mockito, or the like. It comes in very handy, when Eclipse can automatically add these imports for you if you only type the desired method’s name. This requires a little configuration. I show you! â–º All Eclipse […]

Eclipse – Automatic Static Imports

Agile without the right mindset and practices leads to building big balls of mud. – Declan Whelan, wrapping up OnAgile 2015 Today, I had the chance to go to my very first virtual conference — the OnAgile of the Agile Alliance, which of course means that I stayed at home. […]

I stayed to #OnAgile

The easiest way to make Maven find one of our own projects in dependency resolution is to install that project’s artifact to the Local Repository. â–º All Maven Episodes: â–º Don’t Miss an Episode: Share this: 

Maven in Eclipse (m2e) 08 – MVN Install

Every wondered where Maven gets dependencies from? Do you know where Maven caches resolved dependencies locally? Let me explain what the Local Repository and Maven Central are and how they play together. This helps you understand what’s going on and to debug when Maven fails to resolve a dependency for […]

Maven in Eclipse (m2e) 07 – Repositories

To get around in the Maven world, you should know some basic terminology. Let me introduce you to the most important things: Projects, Aggregators, Modules, Artifacts, and Dependencies. ► All Maven Episodes: Share this: 

Maven in Eclipse (m2e) 06 – Basic Terminology

Adding JUnit as a dependency to an Eclipse Java Project is easy, because Eclipse brings a JUnit distribution along. I show you how to reference it from you project. â–º All Eclipse Tricks: â–º Let’s Develop! â–º Don’t Miss an Episode: «Eclipse» An integrated development environment (IDE). […]

Eclipse – Add JUnit to Java Projects