First, let’s see how a test for our Conway’s Game of Life implementation could look like. I start by sketching the test in pseudo code to get the idea. ► All Game of Life Episodes Share this:
Whatever you do, it’s important to keep the context in mind. There’s millions of techniques and methods you might apply to your task at hand, but your context determines whether this is feasible or not. ► All My Insights Share this:
Finally, I’m coming back to my Conway’s Game of Life. I plan to marry it to Eric Smith’s game loop and then try different alternatives for UI implementations. Do you have experience with Java UI frameworks for game development? Test driven, if possible? Tell me! ► All Game of Life […]
Overhead is annoying. Period. It’s ok to have it once, maybe even twice or thrice. But no more. Overhead keeps me from being motivated to do things I like to do. That’s why I try to get rid of it wherever I can. Like in this episode. ► All My […]
Find out how other people practice coding! is a prime source of code casts. You’ll find many different katas in many different language performed by many different people. What better thing to learn? ► All Recommendations Share this: