We continue with a second tutorial that is a little more challenging. It helped me understand how the wiring in the circuit panel actually works. Excited for more complex challenges! ► Let’s Develop! http://letsdeveloper.com ► Don’t Miss an Episode: http://goo.gl/whzDi1 «Scent Trail Bot» Scent Trail Bot is a simple, small […]
Yearly Archives: 2014
If you’d like me to continue on this game, give this video a thumbs up!!! Scent Trail Bot is a simple, small flash game, where you have to program a robot with logic circuits to complete tasks. The robot has sensors and treads, which you need to wire. Though my […]
[LD] Scent Trail Bot #0 – Teaser | Let’s Develop

There’s weird things in the Java syntax. Did you know you can declare arrays this way? Let me know! Do you know other peculiar things about Java? Let me know too! ► All Java Episodes: http://goo.gl/gc4jYA ► Let’s Develop! http://letsdeveloper.com ► Don’t Miss an Episode: http://goo.gl/whzDi1 «Other Series» ► Let’s […]
[LD] Java – Fun Facts – Array Declarations | Let’s ...

If you’d like me to continue on this game, give this video a thumbs up!!! Code Abbey is a programming-challenge game with currently about 180 tasks of various difficulty. Tasks can be solved in any programming language (only some can be executed automatically, though). Solving tasks gives you enlightenment and […]
[LD] Code Abbey #0 – Teaser | Let’s Develop

EclEmma measures Basic-Block Coverage (Instruction Coverage), which is a stronger coverage metric than Statement Coverage. In this episode I discuss these two metrics and show examples that reveal the subtle differences. ► EclEmma FAQ on Basic-Block Coverage: http://emma.sourceforge.net/faq.html#q.blockcoverage ► Let’s Develop! http://letsdeveloper.com ► Don’t Miss an Episode: http://goo.gl/whzDi1 «Other Series» […]
[LD] Statement Coverage vs. Basic-Block Coverage | Let’s Develop With

If you’d like me to continue on this game, give this video a thumbs up!!! RoboZZle is a programming education game without code. The goal ist to navigate a small robot through a field, while collecting stars. Navigation commands include move, turn, conditions and recursion: all basic programming concepts! ► […]
[LD] RoboZZle #0 – Teaser | Let’s Develop

Now that I’ve finished CodeHunt the nagging question is: What’s next? I would like you opinion on that! I listed several options, but I’m sure you know others. Tell me what you think! Share this:
CodeHunt is Over. What’s Next? Tell me!

What are Maven Lifecycles? How do they work? How can you use them? In this episode we’ll talk about the default, clean, and site lifecycles. A little more theory this time, but no worries, this knowledge is directly applicable! ► All Maven Episodes: http://goo.gl/3KK2gb ► Let’s Develop! http://letsdeveloper.com ► Don’t […]
[LD] Maven – Lifecycles | Let’s Develop With

In September, I expected maybe 50 subscribers by the end of the year. Yesterday I cracked 100! Thank you very much for believing in my work. I’ll definitely keep going. Share this: