In this episode I solve a selection of tasks with C# instead of Java and compare the solutions. I reason about problems with the skill metrics, caused by the differences between the two languages. Share this:
The last task of sector 03 has a very neat description of what we are supposed to do… but in the end, it appears we don’t have to/can’t follow it to reach maximum skill points… Share this:
In this episode I explain how to configure maven plugins on the example of the maven-compile-plugin. Thereby, I switch my maven project from the default Java 1.5 to Java 1.7. Unfortunately, there is no GUI support for this kind of tasks, so we have to get our hands dirty in […]
Apache Maven is a powerful build-automation tool. The Eclipse integration m2e makes it easy for developers familiar with Eclipse to use Maven for their projects. In this episode I set up a simple Maven project and add a dependency. Furthermore, I show how to run a Maven build of the […]
In task 03.04 I trick the test generator to give me the test cases I want. This helps me solve the task. In task 03.05 the generator gets back at me, generating strange and unhelpful test cases, regardless of what I do. I have to leave the task open in […]
Sector Loops 02 starts like the previous ended: With only recursive solutions giving the best skill grading. I guess this is due to the Java/C# translation in the background… may produce an episode on this aspect. In the end of the episode, I manage to kill the editor. Frustrating day […]
Encouraged from my success without loops in the loops sector, I immediately try to solve the sixth code fragment without loops. This mischief triggers a trap this time, which brings the symbolic execution engine to a grinding halt. Returning to the righteous path of loops, I manage to solve the […]
After my not-so-glorious hunt through the arithmetic fields, I seek to regain my self-esteem in the kingdom of loops. The first four code fragments are basically arithmetic with loops, but I manage to hold my ground this time. Fragment 5 refuses to give me the full skill bonus, until I […]
The (very short) final of sector 1. The end-boss was not a challenge, compared to his predecessors… Excited to see what’s coming up in the next sectors! Stay tuned! Share this: